In order to ensure that this is YOUR YEAR, you will need to put some goals in place. During the last week of December, I took a few days to reflect on the previous year and plan goals for the upcoming year. In this way, I can see what I was able to achieve and what mistakes I made. Then I’m able to ensure that I don’t make the same mistakes going into this year. This also gives me some ideas of what goals I need to revisit and relook at, which I might not have achieved last year and reassess what it is that is important to me. This then gives me a foundation of goals to work from.

I have previously written about 3 different ways that you can reflect on the previous year. Please click these three links to find out more:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Personally, I used ‘Part 3’ even though it took longer but it really broke down my different aspects of my life; which we will continue to do within this exercise.

By looking at the 10 aspects of your life and where you want it to go. The 10 aspects are:

  1. Family & Friends
  2. Personal Development
  3. Spirituality
  4. Finances
  5. Career
  6. Marriage/ Relationships
  7. Fun
  8. Giving
  9. Physical Environment
  10. Health / Fitness

If you need guidance on writing a completed life plan, click here to download this self-help workbook:

Draw a circle and break this up into 10 triangles, one triangle representing one aspect. Using this circle, with the inner part measuring 0 and the outer circle measuring 10, colour in where you WANT each aspect to be by the end of this year. Use the feature image to give you an idea on how to do this.

When doing your circle, be realistic. You can’t think to yourself that your Spirituality is currently a 2 and you want it to be a 10 at the end of this year. You will need to work on each aspect a little bit each year to bring up those numbers.

From there, I write down a goal for each one of these life aspects. (just write one goal down per aspect) It’s important to note that you want these goals to be SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time-bound). Your goals should be tied to the desired outcome.

To get a step by step guideline on how to write goals and what steps to put into place to achieve them, click here:


Family & Friends
Personal Development


Marriage/ Relationships
Physical Environment
Health / Fitness


From there, I rank myself on a scale of one to ten within each life aspect, where I am right now. By doing this, it gives me a pulse check of where I am, and I can brainstorm ideas on what I can do over the next three months to improve my score. I do this every quarter.

I typically try to set an ambitious goal that is slightly uncomfortable. Anything too easy isn’t challenging. Anything overly ambitious is unrealistic and unmotivating. Picking the right goal, just a little beyond something you believe you can attain is the key to motivating yourself.

Once you start hitting those goals, it’ll start building momentum, which allows you to reset those goals higher and higher.

The review process is key! Every quarter I re-rank myself across my life aspects. Where am I scoring low? Where am I scoring high? Where do I need to readjust? So, I basically redo the whole circle again to see how much my scores have changed.

Download this workbook in order to get an understanding of where you are in your life currently and what is it that is driving you and also stopping you. Click here:

Then I relook at my goals I had set myself and break them up into manageable pieces with timeframes allocated to each one. It’s always a good idea to relook at your goals you set yourself and rewrite them if required. Remember, focuses within life do change, so you need to adapt your priorities and your goals accordingly.

If you want more tips on how to ensure you reach your goals, Click HERE for 30 Ways to Achieve Any Goal You Set Yourself




















When doing your circle, be realistic. You can’t think to yourself that your Spirituality is currently a 2 and you want it to be a 10 at the end of this year. You will need to work on each aspect a little bit each year to bring up those numbers.


From there, I write down a goal for each one of these life aspects. (just write one goal down per aspect) It’s important to note that you want these goals to be SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time-bound). Your goals should be tied to a desired outcome.